safe water

Children Learn About Clean Water and Our Mission in Haiti

Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church held a 3-day Vacation Bible School this year on July 12-14.  The theme of VBS was “Everyone deserves clean drinking water”.  It was an opportunity to teach about the challenges many people have in other countries to find clean water and a time to talk about our mission work in Haiti.  We opened VBS on the first day with a photo presentation from our many trips to Haiti showing the life of children living in the Central Plateau and the role that water plays in their lives. 

You can view the kid-centric program about our Haiti mission using this YouTube link:

 and the supplemental video titled “A Girl in the Eco-Village” here:

Continuing in the clean water theme, the programming on that first day included the Bible story of Moses striking a rock in the desert to release refreshing water for the parched Jews.   The children also enjoyed snacks of mango slices and plantain chips representing two of the many fruits eaten by the people in Haiti.   The children also got to try balancing a 5-gal bucket on their heads which is a common way that people in third world countries carry their water.

 This was the first in-person VBS that GSPC has offered since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.   It was offered to the 78 participants in the Summer Camp program of the Good Shepherd Preschool.  Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers that made this VBS possible and thank you for the opportunity to talk about our mission in Haiti.