Reflections from Kathryn, Becky and Pat

This was my first visit to Haiti. We visited the school that is being built for the EcoVillages.  The students have been in school for two weeks. For some of these kids, this was probably the first time they have been to school, and it was clear they are excited to be in school. In the rooms are desks, a teachers' supply cabinet, and a chalkboard. The children use pencils and paper. There is no electricity right now.  The bathroom is a latrine separate from the school. Forty-five children attend the school (grades one, two and three). Grades one and two meet in the morning and the third graders attend in the afternoon. Currently there are only two classrooms. They are clean. There are no additional instructional aides.

We interviewed all three teachers. The third grade teacher came from Port-au-Prince. His home was destroyed and his wife killed during the earthquake. He moved to the EcoVillage to start over. He was very excited to be given the opportunity to teach again.

The students don't receive meals or have uniforms yet.  Usually students in Haiti get two meals and wear uniforms. After meeting the teachers and the director (their term for the principal) and spending some time at the school, I am optimistic for the future of the school and hope we can continue our partnership with MPP.

Kathryn Hornsby, Emory Presbyterian Church

It was wonderful to meet with Chavannes Jean-Baptiste at MPP and with Wendy Flick, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Haiti program leader. Wendy and Chavannes have been working together in Haiti for the 14 years and they have a very strong, trusting relationship. We members of the Atlanta Church Group learned much by watching them and learning from their interactions with the local Haitians.

Becky Evans, North Decatur Presbyterian Church

The sights, sounds and smells bring back memories quickly from my last trip in January 2013.  Indeed much has been done, but the mountain of problems still stands.  Chavannes and MPP continue to impress me with their hard work and dedication.  My knowledge of construction and costs assures me that our donations to date were well-spent. Words like Food, Education, Leadership, and Grace keep circling through my mind. The progress is exciting; the road ahead is formidable.

 Pat Murphy, North Decatur Presbyterian Church