Finding Joy

Today when I read the news, I search for small acts of kindness and courage.  If I'm having trouble finding those stories, I remember the faces of the people we visited a month ago in Haiti.  People who have experienced great sadness and despair often display sad faces.  In the EcoVillages of Haiti, the people we know have faces that relax into smiles of resilience and joy. Their faces reflect their deep understanding of courage and compassion. They say, "when I wake up in the morning, if I'm not sick, it's a good day so I can smile." I remember their voices and their faces today.

I recognize the acts of kindness, courage and generosity that have produced safe drinking water for the children in the school. I celebrate all the smiles and the many faces of people who are helping build this child a school where she can learn and grow and one day become "a teacher and help her community be stronger".