Packing "Heavy" for Haiti

My wife and I like to travel “light” when we go on vacation. It just makes it easier to get around. In fact, we recently spent 13 days in Europe using just carry-on bags!

But, when go to Haiti, lots of generous people give us things to take. For this week’s trip, we have school supplies, soccer balls, tools, a laptop computer and various other gifts for the people of the EcoVillages. Yes, the people are materially poor and the school has limited resources. So, all this stuff is very welcome.

We hesitate to ship our stuff because there is a good chance it will get lost. Instead, we pack it in 50lb packages and check it as luggage on the airplane. We pack “heavy” on these trips.

So, this week, keep watching blogs about our journey. See how the stuff you donated get to where it’s needed most.

— by C. Calia