Record Enrollment: “No more room on the bench”

The Haiti EcoVillage School re-opened after the Christmas holiday with 377 students — 100 students more than attended before Christmas and the largest enrollment in the school’s 9-year history. The reputation of the school as one that provides quality instruction with professional teachers is driving the growth.

Fall opening of school was delayed because parents were reluctant to send their children fearing the violence that has plagued Haiti since the assassination of the President.

The increased enrollment creates challenges. There are not enough classroom materials for all the students since this number of students was not in the budget. Benches designed for 4 students are occupied by 5 students.

Many schools in Haiti have been closed due to lack of government funding to pay teachers. But, the teachers at the EcoVillage School are paid due to the faithful support of the partner church (NDPC, Good Shepherd, Emory) communities, and the children are fed lunch each day due to the resourcefulness of MPP, our Haitian partner organization.